172-A Boardwalk at the Farm

Hello again!

Yes, we now have a boardwalk at the farm. On the south side of our Mercantile building, there was a bit of a problem area, so we fixed it by installing a boardwalk. Plus four new planting boxes.

Even though there are a few details left to complete, it is functional and we are happy with the results.

For Mother’s Day weekend, we are offering chocolate themed scones. Head over to the Mercantile to get your order in by Wednesday evening for pick up on Friday or Saturday.

Don’t forget May 15, 2021 is Karaoke in the Crib. Bring a lawn chair and a friend, tune up your singing voice and enjoy an afternoon in the country. Open from Noon – 4:00PM

Until next time,

Donna, Julia and the Felines

P.S. Be sure you are on our email list or follow social media for updates. (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram)

171-How the Farm Fared in a Freeze

Hello from Five Feline Farm!

This past week, our area experienced an unusual late snow and freeze warning for two nights in a row. We covered everything possible and prayed for the rest.

Everything was fine! It appears the snow had an insulating effect. Coupled with the temperature not dropping quite as low as expected and our covering efforts, we did not have any loss of plants.

Don’t forget Kwiksilver Karaoke in the Crib on May 15, 2021 from noon to 4:00PM. Bring a lawn chair and enjoy some fun music.

You can always find out what is happening by following our social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter or Instagram) or signing up for our email list.

Until next time,

Donna, Julia and the Felines

P.S. We are continuing to add to our Gardening the Five Feline Farm Way course. We use video, presentations, checklists and more to provide instruction on how we garden here. You can get in now for only $39 for lifetime access.

170-Landscaping at the Mercantile

Welcome to our milestone episode #170.

This week we share our progress in landscaping around the new sidewalk from the driveway to the Mercantile building. We have been busy!

You will also hear a new feature: a garden tip and a kitchen tip near the end of the episode. This week we talk about using Irish Spring soap as a deer deterrent around new trees and how to use spring garlic in cooking.

The Mercantile is now regularly open on Fridays and Saturdays from noon to 4:00 PM each day. If you would like to order English Muffins to pick up on April 23 or 24, 2021 you can click here (while supplies last).

We also have a limited supply of heirloom tomato and basil plants as well as perennial pampas grass, lamb’s ear and mint. Fresh vegetables will be available in season.

Until next time,

Donna, Julia and the Felines


169-Major Improvements at the Farm

This week we made major improvements in accessibility to the Mercantile.

It has been a need for a long time. Many of our customers, friends and family members had difficulty walking the mulched path from the parking lot to the Mercantile building.

Now, the walk will be easy. A new concrete sidewalk leads from the parking lot, beside the garden and slopes gently to the porch of the Mercantile. We still have some landscaping to do along the edges, but we will continue to work on this over the next few days and weeks.

Through this upgrade, our customers were gracious with last minute changes in hours and having the building open. We will be back to regular business hours April 16 and 17, 2021, 12:00 PM – 4:00 PM each day. If you would like to order scones for pickup, you can do that through our online store: fivefelinefarm.com/mercantile. You can also call or text an order.

Until next time,

Donna, Julia and the Felines

P.S. Don’t forget to follow us on social media: Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.