180-Bounty on a Small Farm

Five Feline Farm is small in the world of farms. We have five and a half acres but we try to take advantage of everything this land provides.

Right now, in late June the gardens are producing a lot of good food. Green beans, peppers, carrots, and eggplant to name a few. But we also have wild,  native food to gather.

Black raspberries are one of those native wild berries that are delicious. Full of seeds and nutrition, we use these in pies, jams and now vinegars. The blackberries will be next in the wild harvest. The black walnut trees are loaded with nuts this year.

On this episode we talk about all of those things and more.

Until next time,

Donna, Julia and the Felines

P.S. Don’t forget we are closed on the 4th of July holiday weekend. You can still follow our social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) and email (sign up here) during this time.

178-First Garden Bag Delivery of the Season


Our first Gert’s Garden 2 Go© bag delivery for 2021 is in the books. Anytime we start something new, we learn. Although the first week was relatively smooth due to all of our advance planning, there were still a few things we will do to improve. (For example, now we know how long it takes to drive the route.)

This week each bag contained garlic. This has also been quite popular at the farm. For an idea about using roasted garlic, follow that link to a short blog post.

For those listeners who are within a 15 mile radius of the farm, we will also deliver any of our other products on our Saturday morning route. Just log on to our Mercantile, place an order and choose delivery at checkout.

If you do not live in our delivery area, you can still order many of our products online and we will ship to you.

Thank you for listening to our podcast and supporting Five Feline Farm.

Until next time,

Donna, Julia and the Felines

Shopping the Farmer’s Market

Farmer’s Markets are in full swing throughout the country. It is mid-summer and produce is bountiful. How do you make the most of your Farmer’s Market shopping?

There are a couple of ways to approach your shopping, depending on your cooking style. Do you like to have a plan for your week’s menus ready and shop for only specific items? Or, do you decide meal by meal what sounds good to you and your family?

For Planners

If you are one of those who starts out the week with a full menu planned, it will be helpful if you know what is in season in your area. In season crops will be fresher and typically lower cost. You can always swap out an ingredient or two if you can’t find what you want or if something else is more economical. 

Ask vendors what they expect to bring to market in the future. Most vendors will be able to give you an idea what is ripening in the near future.

For Impulsives

Take a quick walk around the market and review what is available. Then go back and make your purchases. Think about how much produce your family can realistically eat. 

Once you get home, take a few minutes to wash and store your produce properly so it will last through the week. While you do this is a good time to at least make a mental plan of what dishes you can prepare.

For Both

Consider preserving some of your finds. Early August has tomatoes and peaches plentiful in much of the mid-West. Make peach preserves. Can tomato juice. Peppers are also available and can be combined with those lovely tomatoes for fresh salsa. 

Talk to the vendors. Ask about where their produce originates. Did they buy somewhere else and are re-selling? Did the vendor grow their own vegetables, herbs and fruits? Also ask about how items were grown? Vendors should be able to tell you if pesticides or herbicides are used if they are growing produce themselves? Vendors will also give suggestions about how to use different items.

As you are looking around the Farmer’s Market, be sure to take advantage of non-produce offerings. Most markets include craft vendors as well. Handmade soaps, jams, jellies and baked goods are available offering an alternative to the big box stores. 

Shopping local Farmer’s Markets makes good nutrition and financial sense. Not only are you gaining a fresher product for your table, but your support of local farmers is a welcome boost to the economy.