Tag: Vegetables

  • 177-Summer at the Farm

    177-Summer at the Farm

    Hello again, The weather here in Central Illinois has turned to summer. We are grateful for the warmth and the rain. Our garden is producing wonderful vegetables, including the harvest of garlic. Garlic is planted in the fall and harvested early summer. In addition to the curly green scapes we use from the top of…

  • 176-Problem Solving on a Small Farm

    176-Problem Solving on a Small Farm

    Hello again from Five Feline Farm! As the title of this episode suggests, we have discovered that living on and managing this small farm business requires good problem solving skills. Just this past week, we had a breach of some garden beds by varmints: both ground hogs and raccoons. We will tell you on this…

  • 170-Landscaping at the Mercantile

    170-Landscaping at the Mercantile

    Welcome to our milestone episode #170. This week we share our progress in landscaping around the new sidewalk from the driveway to the Mercantile building. We have been busy! You will also hear a new feature: a garden tip and a kitchen tip near the end of the episode. This week we talk about using…

  • 139-Old Time Skills Are In Vogue Again

    139-Old Time Skills Are In Vogue Again

    This year, 2020 has been like no other. We have operated with a mindset of modern homesteading for a number of years. For us, modern homesteading means to practice as many of the skills of our ancestors as possible while still using modern conveniences. For example, even though most of the bread we eat is…