Category: Bees

  • Our Manifesto-Natural, Simple and Reclaimed

    Our Manifesto-Natural, Simple and Reclaimed

    Here at the Farm we are about three things: natural, simple, and reclaimed. These tenets are the overarching guide for all our Farm endeavors. Most of these manifest in food. Growing, preserving, buying, selling, cooking, and of course eating food. But it’s also a lifestyle. First an explanation of the name. Five Feline Farm is…

  • Three Fabulous Reasons to Keep Honeybees

    Three Fabulous Reasons to Keep Honeybees

    There are some very good reasons to host honeybees on your property. Then there are some FABULOUS reasons. Read on to find out why Five Feline Farm started in the honeybee business. Honey of course. There is only one way to get real honey. From honeybees. Whether you want honey just for personal use or…

  • What To Do If You Get Stung

    What To Do If You Get Stung

    Yes, it does seem unlikely that you will be stung in the winter months. But it can happen as you take advantage of a warm day to quickly check the hive and add a candy board. Whether winter or summer, make sure that you are prepared in the event of a sting. Go to the…

  • 30,000 Bees and Counting

    30,000 Bees and Counting

    Three new colonies of bees have taken up residence at Five Feline Farm to replace winter losses. Two packages were picked up at Long Lane Honeybee Farm in rural Fairmount, IL. The third package was shipped by U.S. Mail from Gardner Apiary in Georgia. Each package contains about three pounds of bees, a queen in…