What a year!
2020 presented challenges and victories to Five Feline Farm. We adjusted hours, locations, products, procedures and days of the week. Just when we thought we had a plan, something changed and we changed too.
A huge shout out to all of our customers, friends, family and fans who persevered right along with us. We appreciate each of you more than you know.
In this episode, we cover quarter by quarter the growth of our business. We also note a couple of links for you. First is the link to Julia’s Medium posts. Second is the segment on Ciliving by Erin Valle featuring Five Feline Farm.
Over the next couple of months, our onsite store will be closed, although you can still order on line. We will be using this time to complete some overdue projects, build new things for the farm (including digital products) and get some much needed rest. The podcast will continue weekly as will our social media posts.
Until next time,
Donna, Julia and the Felines
P.S. Stay tuned for upcoming announcements about new plans and offers.