Category: Farm Tasks

  • Groundhogs in the Garden

    Every garden has its pest and ours at this moment is groundhogs. If you don’t know what a groundhog is, think beaver with a short stubby furry tail. Groundhogs are a member of the rodent family.  They get the hog part of their name honestly. They are hogs when it comes to munching on tender…

  • 2015 in Review

    2015 in Review

    Greetings from Five Feline Farm.  Most people take a moment to reflect on the past year when the calendar passes from one year to the next. We evaluate our history and plan for our future. Often this takes the form of New Year’s Resolutions. Instead we are focusing on goals.  But, first the year in…

  • How Do You Do All That?

    How Do You Do All That?

    One of the most frequently asked questions about the Farm is “how do you have the time to do all this?” It’s a question we even ask ourselves sometimes. There are only two of us working this hobby farm. No employees, no volunteers, no interns. There are some things that we do contract, but those…

  • Hobby Farm Transformation

    Hobby Farm Transformation

    It’s been just over eight years now living on this slice of the country we call Five Feline Farm. At first it was just the “farm”, a tongue-in-cheek expression of this postage stamp sized property in the midst of large acre farms. Now it is becoming much more than that. Slowly, with the requisite blood,…