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119-Moving Forward On The Farm
Even in the time of staying at home to combat the Coronavirus, we are finding ways to move forward.
On this episode we discuss our most recent opening, how we arranged a contact free pick up system and the overwhelming response by our customers. A huge shout out and thank you to all of you!
We will continue this system whenever we are open for as long as needed.
For you Farmer’s Market shoppers, planning is underway for both the 18th Street Farmer’s Market and Casey Market Thyme. Stay tuned for more details on both.
Don’t forget to follow us on social media: Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for almost daily information on Farm activities.
You can always shop our online Mercantile. Our non food items can be mailed or arrangements made for pick up. The next opening for scones and produce will be on May 2, 2020. More to come.
Until next time….
Donna, Julia and the Felines