Spring is here and we are moving toward Farmer’s Market season. This will be a different experience this year, but it will happen!
The 18th Street Farmer’s Market will begin in Charleston, IL on May 16, 2020 and we’ll be there. We are planning now for expanding our online ordering, plus how we will process and package orders. Soon, we will have additional information about Market Thyme in Casey.
This episode also gives an update on our apiary, adding two more hives of honeybees from packages.
If you are interested in ordering from our online Mercantile, you can have our non-food items shipped anywhere in the U.S. Food is only available when we are open here at the Farm (next time is May 2, 2020) and at Farmer’s Markets.
Be sure to follow us on social media to get frequent updates: Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Until next time…
Donna, Julia and the Felines
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