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167-Noodles, Gardening and More
Spring is a busy time at Five Feline Farm.
The Mercantile is open on Friday and Saturday from noon to 4:00 PM. We discuss on this episode how that simple change in hours helped our stress level. Sometimes it is just the little things that make a difference.
In addition to the change in hours, we talked about how we each need to do something productive in between customers. Many days there is a constant steady stream of customers at the Mercantile, but some days we have time in between. We are working on ways to fill that time. Typically Donna goes to the garden and Julia writes.
Next week we will have a special guest interview that we have been looking forward to for awhile. We are sure you will enjoy hearing from our friend about her new enterprise.
Watch our social media, website and email for updated information about the Farm.
As a reminder, we will be closed on Easter weekend.
Until next time,
Donna, Julia and the Felines
P.S. Only 3 days left to get the garden course at only $19.