Hello again friends,
Once again, many new people visited the Mercantile this past weekend. We continue to be amazed at the popularity of our small business. Thank you to everyone who follows us on social media, email and through our website.
The Farm is preparing for our summer delivery route. At this time, all of the Gert’s Garden 2 Go© bags are sold, but we are starting a waiting list for any extras that may become available. If you are interested, send us an email or text. Details are in the photo below.
Listen all the way to the end for a gardening tip and kitchen tip for the week.
Thank you for listening and following Five Feline Farm.
Until next time,
Donna, Julia and the Felines
P.S. You can click on any of these links to follow our social media or sign up for email. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Email. (When you signup for our email list, you get a free ebook download.)