I have been thinking a lot about encouragement lately.
So much so I even had to look up the definition. Sometimes knowing the history of a word helps to see the word in a new way.
Merriam Webster says encouragement can mean something that makes someone more determined, hopeful or confident, or even more likely to do something. It is the act of making something more appealing or more likely to happen.
Etymononline.com reports the word “encourage” is from the Old French word “encorgier” meaning to make strong or hearten. Vocabulary.com gave the following example of use:
“When you encourage the tomato plants in your garden, you water them to promote their growth and health.”
A perfect fit for what we do here at Five Feline Farm.
So many of you, our families, friends and customers, have encouraged us in what we do.
You have given us strength and hope to continue to build this business. You have promoted our growth and health.
We first met many of you at farmer’s markets or you made the drive to visit us at the Mercantile. Some we met through social media. You have become friends and fans.
You are each a part of what we do and why we do it.
Thank you for making us more determined, hopeful and confident.
Thank you for your encouragement.