“Is there anything you don’t do?”
It is a question we get a lot here at Five Feline Farm. It’s true we do many things for ourselves; however the short answer is to the above question is: “Yes”. There are a lot of things we do not tackle. But, we certainly are of the mind set that anyone can do anything they want to do.
Today we want to encourage you to dream big. Make a list of all the things you might want to do. Don’t hold back. Put anything on your list that you have ever thought about doing.
Pick one of those things.
What would it take to get to do that thing? Make another list of the steps involved, then start doing those things.
It really can be that simple, but it also requires work and dedication.
For example, almost two years ago, we wanted to start a podcast. Neither of us have any experience with podcasting, radio, television or anything even close. That did not deter us.
The list of steps to actually publish a podcast included google searches for programs and equipment to use, Youtube videos and even a Lynda.com short course.
With the native Mac application “Garageband” and microphones ordered through Amazon, we recorded and edited our first podcast. A bit of research on Apple, Soundcloud and our own website host gave us everything we needed to know to set it all up and get it out into the world.
On January 29, 2018, Episode 1 went live. By February 11, 2018, and the third episode, we were posting directly on fivefelinefarm.com/podcast. The first few episodes were rough. But as we kept doing it, week after week, we improved. At least the recording, editing and posting is smoother; and a lot of people tell us they are listening. Next week we will be recording Episode 100.
You can do this too.
Whether it is a podcast, Youtube channel, blog, business or whatever is in your heart to do.
Just start.
If what you want to do is build a small business, especially a farmer’s market business, we are developing some tools you can use to walk through the process we followed.
Let us know how we can help you.
As always, you can follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and on this blog.