Author: Five Feline Farm

  • Spring into Busy

    We have been busy here at Five Feline Farm. The temperatures are starting to climb, the grass is greening and it is time to get outside and do all those things that winter prevented. Start the Garden Tender Plants in the Greenhouse Netting Cage for Strawberries Goldfish Pond Reset Fruit Trees Blooming Ahh Spring.

  • How To Achieve Sore Muscles in 3 Easy Steps

    The large goldfish pond needed an update with an improved water feature and pump/filtration system. It has been losing water and the cattails were out of control. Step 1. Cut out cattails. This is easier said than done. Cattails develop a gnarly set of roots that entwine anything in their path. Imagine 18 inch thick…

  • Preparing the Farm for Spring

    Preparing for Spring Even with temperatures ranging in the 20’s and 30’s, there are tasks that can be done outside to prepare for the upcoming season. Equipment repairs The garden tiller has a tine replaced and the starter rope handle fixed. One of the chainsaws has a new bar installed and the chain on the…

  • All the Buzz

    All the Buzz

    Last week we attended Bee School sponsored by the Crossroads Beekeepers out of Effingham. There were several displays and vendors in addition to an excellent workshop format. We attended the section on Managing the Established Hive and found out we are doing many things right. We got some good ideas about things to do in…