Author: Five Feline Farm

  • A Week at the Farm

    Here’s a glimpse of an average week at Five Feline Farm. In addition to work at our regular jobs: Nasturtiums, marigolds and brussels sprouts were added to the seedlings started in the basement grow area. The tomatoes, peppers, and herbs are about 2 inches tall and will need to be moved into larger pots before…

  • How Does Your Garden Grow?

    Gardening season starts in January here at Five Feline Farm. Planning The first task in any gardener’s year is to determine what to grow. Here at the Farm, we concentrate on vegetables we can preserve for winter and those we can eat fresh. It is important to keep the garden plans from year to year…

  • Maximizing Resources

    We are always on the lookout for ways to save money and maximize resources. One thing that we do is buy meat in bulk whenever possible, then cut and package at home. When you buy steaks or roasts in a grocery store, the butcher has trimmed the large cuts of some fat and connective tissue…

  • Update from the Farm

    The New Year is here and these cold winter months are good for completing inside chores. Here’s the latest list from the Farm: Order seeds–The favorite seed source for Five Feline Farm is Sustainable Seeds. This company seems to practice the good things of sustainable living–organic seeds, heirloom varieties and a wide selection. No catalogs are printed…