Persimmon Pulp

Now that the frost has sweetened the persimmons and seeds have been cut for winter forecasting, it is time to make pulp.


Pulping is a problem. Wild persimmons are small and full of seeds. I have tried several methods none of which are satisfactory. The Juice Mate clogs, a colander smears the pulp around inside and not through the holes. I usually resort to using my hands. This is a messy proposition at best.

A neighbor reports using a food mill finding this a reasonably efficient way to extract pulp from the skin and seeds. I am going to try this method for the ones stored in the refrigerator. I would be willing to collect more and develop more recipes if the pulp was easier to obtain.

Persimmon and black walnut would be a great, timely pairing for fall foods at Five Feline Farm.

What methods do you use to extract persimmon pulp? Do you have a favorite persimmon recipe?

Please share in the comments section.

Farm Tours and Future Plans

Two weeks ago we hosted a tour of Five Feline Farm for the EIU Academy of Life Long Learning. Twenty participants were treated to a presentation about the bees and life on the Farm.


One question posed by a number of participants was “where are you going with this hobby farm concept?”. The honest answer at this time is “we don’t know” but we plan to keep doing it and see where it leads. So far growth has been organic. What interests us and motivates us is to learn or experience new things. Sometimes you really just don’t know what your destination is until you arrive.


Everyone seemed to enjoy the history of the Farm and seeing the progress that has been made in such a short period of time. The land was a wreck, wild and untamed in 2002. After being able to move here in 2008, more progress is made every day.

We do have plans to increase bee friendly plantings. The south garden area will be expanded in the spring to include a series of raised beds with more flowers, pumpkins, gourds and anything else that strikes our fancy. This area will likely also see a garden shed with a porch and swing.

Another priority is to refurbish the John Deere Box wagon and convert it to a produce stand. It is time to start finding ways for Five Feline Farm to generate some income.

Drop us a note in the comment box and let us know your suggestions for the future of Five Feline Farm.

How To Achieve Sore Muscles in 3 Easy Steps

The large goldfish pond needed an update with an improved water feature and pump/filtration system. It has been losing water and the cattails were out of control.

Step 1. Cut out cattails.

This is easier said than done. Cattails develop a gnarly set of roots that entwine anything in their path. Imagine 18 inch thick water laden roots wrapping around softball size rocks. Add in a 40 degree air temperature, 25 degree windchill and cold water. We cut, we tugged, we pulled with a winch. The cattails are now history.

Step 2. Dig holes.

The skimmer and waterfall basin were dug in, leveled and plumbed. This required pulling back the liner, excavating a cavity just the right size for the equipment, installing and attaching plumbing. See #1 above for air temperature and windchill. At least this step did not involve being in the water.

Step 3. Move rocks.

Rocks around the pond were replaced and arranged to cover the liner. These rocks range from basketball to golf ball size with weight varying accordingly. Picture yourself (or us) kneeling and bending to move rocks. First out of the way, then back into place. Some of these moves gave a whole new meaning to the term “rock and roll”.

Bonus Step 4. Refill

Now that the equipment is in place, holes in the liner sealed, and pond plants back under control, the pond is ready to bring the water level back up. One final step to complete before full operation is to seal the waterfall. Minimum required temperature is 65 degrees, so that will wait a few days.

There you have it. Sore muscles abound, but the end result will be worth the effort.