Category: Farm Tasks

  • Persimmon Pulp

    Now that the frost has sweetened the persimmons and seeds have been cut for winter forecasting, it is time to make pulp. Pulping is a problem. Wild persimmons are small and full of seeds. I have tried several methods none of which are satisfactory. The Juice Mate clogs, a colander smears the pulp around inside…

  • Farm Tours and Future Plans

    Farm Tours and Future Plans

    Two weeks ago we hosted a tour of Five Feline Farm for the EIU Academy of Life Long Learning. Twenty participants were treated to a presentation about the bees and life on the Farm. One question posed by a number of participants was “where are you going with this hobby farm concept?”. The honest answer…

  • Spring into Busy

    We have been busy here at Five Feline Farm. The temperatures are starting to climb, the grass is greening and it is time to get outside and do all those things that winter prevented. Start the Garden Tender Plants in the Greenhouse Netting Cage for Strawberries Goldfish Pond Reset Fruit Trees Blooming Ahh Spring.

  • How To Achieve Sore Muscles in 3 Easy Steps

    The large goldfish pond needed an update with an improved water feature and pump/filtration system. It has been losing water and the cattails were out of control. Step 1. Cut out cattails. This is easier said than done. Cattails develop a gnarly set of roots that entwine anything in their path. Imagine 18 inch thick…