Tag: Spring

  • Spring Lettuce

    Spring has finally arrived here in East Central Illinois. The daytime temperatures are reaching the low 70’s and the sounds of spring thunderstorms roll across the fields. The rain and warmth combine to begin the vegetable growing season. One of our favorite early crops here at Five Feline Farm is leaf lettuce. Our preferred variety…

  • Five Feline Farm Foodies

    We are foodies. Our farm is all about food. Growing food, planning for food, selling food at the Farmer’s Market or our own Mercantile, preserving food, and yes, of course eating food. During these dark, cold Winter days we continually look for ways to improve our food production. We plan for the growing season and…

  • 013-Finding Encouragement

    When you’ve had a long hard week, encouragement is always welcome. Our spirits were buoyed by high school students at the beginning of the week and middle school students at the end. Thank you to everyone who made our week. In this episode we refer to a new video we uploaded to our channel on…

  • Spring Begins at Five Feline Farm

    Spring Begins at Five Feline Farm

    This past week Five Feline Farm hosted a booth at the Lake Land College Innovative Energy Conference. Keynote speaker Ed Begley, Jr. gave great information about living more sustainably by doing what you can. He suggested that every person can do something to conserve by taking just a few steps such as changing to LED…